Friday, November 27, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Hello Everyone,
Just wishing everyone a Happy Turkey Day!  Gobble Gobble! Bon Appetit! Buen Provecho! Guten Appetit! 

* FYI: Does eating turkey make you sleepy?  There has been an ongoing debate on whether turkey is the culprit for why an individual feels tired after a Thanksgiving feast.  The amino acid L-Tryptophan has a sleep inducing effect which is found in turkey.  Tryptophan metabolizes into the neurotransmitters, seratonin and melatonin.  Both of these neurotransmitters promote a calming effect and regulate sleep.  The only catch is that other foods such as poultry, meat, and dairy products also have L-Tryptophan and it has been found that turkey does not have any more L-Tryptophan than these foods.  Soooo, scientists or whomever does the studies on such things still haven't proven whether turkey is to blame.  It could be the amount of alcohol people are consuming while eating.  Ah, what the hell, eat, drink and be merry!

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