All jokes aside, I give that man my blessings for pulling over. I guess he found it intriguing that a woman would even attempt to change a tire. As he was helping me, I even gave him a tip on how to use the jack, something that I learned from someone else who changed my tire (I really have this whole damsel-in-distress act down- just kidding). I guess this gentleman was even surprised that I could show him something about changing a tire. About five minutes later he was finished, I graciously thanked him, and he drove off in a white car; being that we are in the year 2009, that would make him my knight on a white horse. My knight- where ever you may be- Thank you again.
This leads me to the point of this post, I figured I would explain to you how to change a tire but that would be too difficult to describe in words. Then I thought to myself, I could use a drink. That's when the little light bulb flashed over my head and gave me the idea, not only could I vent about what happened I could also explain to you how to make the famous Sex in the City cocktail. That's right: a Cosmopolitan- The Cat's Meow.

1 oz. Vodka or Citrus Vodka
1/2 oz. Triple Sec (Cointreau can also be used)
1/2 oz. Lime Juice
1/2 oz. Cranberry Juice
* Some people prefer more Vodka and a splash of Lime and Cranberry Juice. Prepare it whichever way let's you enjoy the drink.
Mix all these ingredients in a shaker with ice. Strain the cocktail into a chilled martini glass. Garnish with a lime or throw in a cherry. Can you say- Yummy! What is sexier than a woman drinking from a martini glass. Whether alone or with others, this drink just makes you feel like a Goddess. Drink up my kitties and let me know how satisfying this drink is.
Even though I'm more into drinking a cold beer at a ghetto ass bar or drinking cheap rum with tha boys in the hood, damn, that sounds like I'm a bum or something. Anyways, what I'm trying to say its that I'll keep the cocktail in mind for the next family meeting. Oh, and another thing... imagining you, changing the tire, in the middle of the night on a highway, its actually sexy as hell. Too bad I couldn't be your knight on the white horse. But, I drive a red car, I'm on PR, and when I was on NY I had a blue Lincoln. So even if that would've happened with you when I was on one of those trips to Jersey, I wouldn't had a chance to be the knight on a white horse. But I'm glad you found your knight, and that you shared the story, cause it was a sexy one.